Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Why is there so much Olde English Bulldogge variation out there

<============= Tweed, awesome looking Olde English Bulldogge

This question comes from a reader:

I love these kinda questions and they deserve honest answers. The creator of the Breed David Leavitt I believe didn't realize there would be such a demand for these dogs. Call it what you will but for whatever reason didn't trademark the name so many other people bred a dog that looked similar.

They found out that breeding a dog back to an English Bulldog wasn't exactly too difficult to do and many people did things to try to re-create the wheel or add their signature to a line (I guess)

I felt that the 35 years of quality dogs that the breeders before me did in keeping the line as pure as possible would give me better consistency and health.

I noticed from my first purchase of an Olde English Bulldogge that she didn't come out like I had hoped. She was not an Olde English that came down from David's original stock, she was a mix. She was enough to make me work harder to get a True Olde English Bulldog.

I got the Bozz and the rest is Bulldogranch history, he was that good to make me jump in with both feet. His hips also checked out great but again, thats from work of all the breeders before me.

Here is a picture of David with one of his favorites in the day Bullmead's Tweed, this dog is the true Olde English Bulldog and why I am a traditionalist about the breed.

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